Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Advice about a relationship in trouble

Q: I am seriously thinking of getting a divorce after having been married
for almost xx years. We haven't had sex in over xx years and my husband
won't talk about it. It just goes on day to day. We are having financial
difficulties which is nothing new and I am just stressed out which is
causing me health problems. I have moved into another bedroom. We can't
afford a divorce. What can I do?

A: If there is any chance at all of saving your relationship please consider
obtaining the services of one of the many professional counsellors in every
community who are specially trained to assist with problems such as you

If you are determined to get a divorce and are unsure of your legal rights
or obligations, please consider speaking with a lawyer to get legal advice.

If there are issues regarding how to divide property, etc. which you and
your spouse cannot agree upon, please consider using a mediator to assist
you in resolving these issues.

If all issues have been resolved and you wish to proceed with a divorce, we
would be happy to assist. Our service is suited for those who want an easy,
low cost, uncontested divorce.

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